Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
In the 2023, the real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Saudi Arabia was SAR 3.5 trillion (at constant prices). The economic activity with the highest real GDP registered in this period was Mining & Quarrying, with a total of SAR 917.8 billion, representing 26.5% of the total GDP.
This graph shows the annual evolution of the Real Gross Domestic Product (at constant prices) in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Note: The Real GDP and Seasonally Adjusted Real GDP are calculated by Gastat using the Chain-Linked Methodology.
Social Indicators
In 2022 the population density of Saudi Arabia was 16.5 people per square kilometer. The regions that concentrated the largest population density were Jazan (105 people per square kilometer), Makkah Al-Mokarramah (57.5 people per square kilometer), and Al-Baha (30.2 people per square kilometer).
The graph corresponds to a map of Saudi Arabia divided into administrative regions and colored according to the population density of each region.
Population Density by Administrative Region
Population Pyramid
In 2024, the female population was concentrated in the age range of 5 - 9 years, with 1,371,055 women, corresponding to 10.2% of the total female population. For its part, the male population was concentrated in the age range of 30 - 34 years, with a total of 2,847,286 men, representing 13.0% of the total male population.
The graph corresponds to a population pyramid that shows the male and female population by age range.
Population Pyramid
Population Evolution by Nationality and Gender
During 2024, the female population in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia showed an increase of 3.7% compared to the previous year, while the male population showed an increase of 5.4%.
Overall, the population in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has increased by 4.7%, going from 33,702,731 people in 2023 to 35,300,280 people in 2024.
The graph shows the evolution of the population in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by gender.
Evolution of the Population By Gender in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Non-Saudi Population
In 2022, the total Non-Saudi population of Saudi Arabia reached 13,382,962 people. Among this population, 15.8% were nationals from Bangladesh (2,116,192 people), 14.1% were from India (1,884,476 people), and 13.6% were from Pakistan (1,814,678 people).
The chart shows the nationalities represented among the total Non-Saudi population of Saudi Arabia.
Non-Saudi Population
Births and Newborns
In 2022, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia registered a total of 417,155 births among Saudi mothers, of which 400,099 were single births, 16,160 were twins, and 896 were triplets or more.
The highest number of births was observed among Saudi females in the age group of 25 - 29 years old, with a total of 116,083 newborns.
The chart presents the number of births classified by the age group of the mothers, and grouped by single and multiple births (twins, triplets or more).
Births and Newborns in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Dependency Ratio
The dependency ratio represents the average number of economically dependent individuals per 100 people within the working-age group.
In 2022, the overall dependency ratio in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was registered at 37.3%, with a children dependency ratio of 33.7% and an elderly dependency ratio of 3.7%.
The chart shows the overall dependency ratio for total population by region.
Overall Dependency Ratio - Total Population
Marital Status
In 2022, 55% of the total population in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was married, 2.4% divorced, 2.2% widowed and 40.4% never married.
You can review the marital status of the total population of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by age group in the graph and use the buttons above to change the gender and nationality of the data presented.
Marital Status by Age Range in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Marriage and Divorce
In 2022, 55.0% of the total population at marriageable age in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were married. Among these, 16.0% of the individuals between the ages of 15 to 29 years old were married.
The proportion of total males at marriageable age that were married was 54.0%, while among total women was 56.6%.
The graph shows the population pyramid with the number of married men and women at marriageable age in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by age range, for Saudi and Non-Saudi population.
Population Pyramid of Married Individuals at Marriable Age in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Labour Force Participation
In the third quarter of 2024, the labor force participation rate among Saudis in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reached 51.5%, with a breakdown of 36.2% for Saudi women and 66.9% for Saudi men.
The graph shows the quarterly evolution of the labor force participation by gender in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Saudi population).
Labour Force Participation Rate by Gender in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Average Salaries
In 2022, "scientific, technical and human specialists" was the highest-paying private sector job category for both Saudi women, averaging SAR 7.8 thousand, and Saudi men, averaging SAR 15.4 thousand.
The graph shows the average salary in the private sector for different professions grouped by gender (Saudis).
Average Salaries in the Private Sector by Main Profession
Employees Registered in GOSI & Civil Services
In the third quarter of 2024, 1,576,899 of female employees were registered in GOSI, 521,466 in Civil Services and 1,245,616 as domestic workers, reaching a total of 3,343,981 female workers in Saudi Arabia. For its part, 10,431,759 of male employees were registered in GOSI, 678,695 in Civil Services and 2,726,900 as domestic workers, for a total of 13,837,354 male workers.
The regions that presented the highest number of female employees registered in GOSI and Civil Services were Al-Riyadh (977,889 employees), Makkah Al-Mokarramah (378,262 employees), and Eastern Region (312,766 employees). In the case of male employees, the regions with the highest number of registered workers were Al-Riyadh (5,150,751 employees), Eastern Region (2,074,280 employees), and Makkah Al-Mokarramah (1,893,312 employees).
The chart shows the number of employees registered in GOSI and Civil Services in Saudi Arabia during the third quarter of 2024.
* Data for domestic workers is only available at the national level.
Total Employees Registered in GOSI and Civil Services by Gender and Administrative Region
Employees by Occupations
During the third quarter of 2024, the occupations that registered the highest number of employees in Saudi Arabia were Elementary occupations (4,748,348 employees), Professionals (1,644,870 employees), and Craft and related trades workers (1,296,351 employees).
The chart shows the number of employees in by region and occupation.
* There are cases of subscribers working more than one job and in different professions, hence these may be counted more than once depending on the subscription, not the participant.
Number of Employees by Occupation and Administrative Region
Employees by Economic Activities
During the third quarter of 2024, the economic activities that registered the highest number of employees in Saudi Arabia were Construction (2,972,737 employees), Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (1,644,350 employees), and Manufacturing (1,386,764 employees).
The chart shows the total number of employees by region.
Number of Employees by Economic Activity and Administrative Region
In the third quarter of 2024, the unemployment rate of Saudis in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reached 7.8%. In particular, the Saudi female unemployment rate was 13.6%, while the Saudi male unemployment rate was 4.7%.
The graph shows the quarterly evolution of the unemployment rate by gender of the Saudi population in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Unemployment Rate by Gender
Unemployment by Age
Youth unemployment refers to the share of the labor force ages 15-24 without work but available for and seeking employment.
In third quarter of 2024, Saudi female youth unemployment rate was 24.5% and Saudi male youth unemployment rate was 14%. You can review other age groups in the graph.
The graph shows the unemployment rate by sex and age groups by quarter in Saudi Arabia (Saudi population).
Unemployment Rate by Age Range
Unemployment by Educational Level
In the third quarter of 2024, the highest unemployment rate for Saudi women was recorded for those with an education level of bachelor’s or equivalent level (16.4%). On the other hand, the highest unemployment rate in Saudi men was registered in those who had an educational level of early childhood education (6.8%).
The graph shows the percentage of the labor force with different levels of education who are unemployed (Saudi population).
Unemployment by Gender and Educational Level
Job Seekers
In 2022 the number of job seekers of Saudi Arabia was 324,936. The regions that concentrated the largest number of job seekers were Al-Riyadh (80,005 job seekers), Makkah Al-Mokarramah (73,633 job seekers), and Eastern Region (43,927 job seekers).
The graph corresponds to a map of Saudi Arabia divided into administrative regions and colored according to the number of job seekers.
Number of Job Seekers by Administrative Region
Housing Units
In 2022, the number of housing units occupied by Saudi households in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were distributed as follows: 1,584,719 were an apartment in a multi-story building (38.2% of the total), 1,185,188 were a villa (28.5% of the total), 513,760 were a traditional house (12.4% of the total), 408,826 were a floor in a villa (9.8% of the total), and 321,939 were an apartment in a villa (7.8% of the total).
The graph shows housing units (occupied by Saudi households) by type of housing in different years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Housing Units (Occupied by Saudi Households) by Type of Housing
Most total dwellings concentrate in Makkah Al-Mokarramah (3,260,806 dwellings, 26.3% of the total), Al-Riyadh (3,123,246 dwellings, 25.2% of the total), and Eastern Region (1,902,754 dwellings, 15.3% of the total).
The graph shows a map of Saudi Arabia divided into administrative regions and colored according to the number of dwellings for each type of dwelling selected.
Total Number of Dwellings by Administrative Region
In 2022, the number of households in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, was 8,174,674. The biggest number of households was located in Al-Riyadh.
In that year, the number of male-headed households was 7,175,120, representing 87.8% of the total.
The graph shows the number of households by administrative region, grouped by nationality or gender, according to the selected button.
Number of Households per Administrative Region, by Gender
Real Estate Price Index
In 2024, the Real Estate Price Index of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reached 102.3, an increase of 2.3% compared to the previous year.
The chart shows the Real Estate Price Index and the year-on-year rate of change in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Note: In Q3 2024, Gastat updated the base year for the index from 2014 to 2023.
Real Estate Price Index
Real Estate Price Index by Sector
General real estate price index increased by 3.6% during the fourth quarter of 2024 compared to the same quarter in the previous year.
The graph shows the percentage change in the Real Estate Price Index (YoY) by sector and type of real estate in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Real Estate Price Index by Sector & Type of Real Estate (YoY)
Health Facilities and Personnel
In 2022, there were a total of 502,189 workers registered in the health sector in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The personnel was distributed as follows: 200,558 nurses, 138,362 assistant health employees, 129,229 physicians, and 34,040 pharmacists.
The graph shows the annual evolution of health sector employees in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Evolution of health personnel
Saudi Life Expectancy
In 2022, the average Saudi life expectancy was 77.9 years, being 80.9 years for females and 75.3 years for males.
Compared to the previous year, the overall life expectancy increased by 1.9 years, with female life expectancy showing an increase of 1.7 years, while male life expectancy increased by 2 years.
The graph shows the Saudi life expectacy, by gender and overall, over the years.
Saudi Life Expectancy
Students, Schools & Teachers
In 2022, the total number of students in Saudi Arabia was 5,999,899. The administrative regions with the highest number of students were Al-Riyadh (1,430,320 students), Makkah Al-Mokarramah (1,365,956 students), and Eastern Region (882,155 students).
The visualization corresponds to a map of Saudi Arabia divided into administrative regions and colored according to the the number of students.
Students by Administrative Region
Illiteracy Rate
In 2017, the illiteracy rate for females in Saudi Arabia was 7.3%, while the illiteracy rate among males was 2.9%. Jazan region recorded the highest illiteracy rate among females at 18.1%, also registering the highest illiteracy rate among males at 6.9%.
The graph shows the illiteracy rate in 2017 by region and gender in Saudi Arabia.
Illiteracy Rate by Gender and Regions
Expenditures on Education
In 2017, the highest expenditure on education was registered in Al-Riyadh with SAR 6.3 billion, distributed in tuition fees (SAR 3.2 billion), other (SAR 1.3 billion), school supplies (SAR 1.1 billion), school transfer (SAR 408.5 million), and private tuition (SAR 259.6 million).
The graph shows the Saudi household expenditure on education by administrative area and type of expenditure.
Saudi Household Expenditure on Education by Administrative Area and Type of Expenditure
Higher Education
In 2021, 185,637 graduates were registered in Bachelor degree, 185,637 graduates in Bachelor degree, 26,237 graduates in Intermediate Diploma, 14,698 graduates in Master, 4,533 graduates in Higher Diploma, 1,749 graduates in Ph.D., and 812 graduates in Fellowship.
You can see the distribution by gender in the graph.
The graph shows the distribution of graduates by educational group and gender in the year selected on the timeline.
Graduates by Educational Group and Gender
Individuals with One Severe or Unable Disability
In 2023, the administrative areas with the highest percentage of individuals with one disability (severe or unable) were Al-Riyadh (14.8%), Makkah Al-Mokarramah (14.7%), and Eastern Region (14.5%).
The graph shows the percentage distribution of individuals (2 years and over) with one disability (severe or unable) by administrative area.
Percentage Distribution of Individuals with One Severe or Unable Disability (Age 2+), by Administrative Area
Individuals with One Severe or Unable Disability by Type
In 2023, the administrative areas with the highest percentage of individuals with Communication disability (severe or unable) were Makkah Al-Mokarramah (16.1%), Al-Qaseem (12.4%), and Eastern Region (11.4%).
The graph shows the percentage distribution of individuals (2 years and over) with communication disability (severe or unable) by administrative area.
Percentage Distribution of Individuals with Severe (or Unable) Communication Disability (Age 2+), by Administrative Area
Individuals with One and Multiple Severe (or Unable) Disabilities
In 2023, among individuals with disabilities aged 2 years and over, 41.5% reported having one disability, while the remaining 58.5% had multiple disabilities.
The graph shows the percentage distribution of individuals (2 years and over) with one and multiple disabilities (severe or unable).
Percentage Distribution of Individuals with Severe (or Unable) Disabilities (Age 2+), by One and Multiple Disabilities
Individuals with One and Multiple Severe (or Unable) Disabilities by Gender and Age
In 2023, of the total number of men aged 2 to 4 years with disabilities, 29.2% suffered from one disability while the remaining 70.8% suffered from multiple disabilities.
In the case of women in that age range, 35.0% suffered from one disability and 65.0% suffered from multiple disabilities.
The graph shows the percentage distribution of individuals (2 to 4 years) with disabilities (severe or unable) by gender, one and multiple disabilities.
Percentage Distribution of Individuals with Severe (or Unable) One and Multiple Disabilities (Ages 2-4), by gender
Individuals with One Severe (or Unable) Disability by Type of Disability, Gender and Age
The most prevalent disabilities among individuals aged 2 to 4 years were vision (31.6% of the total individuals with disabilities in that age range), mobility (walking) (29.0%), and communication (17.5%).
The graph shows the percentage distribution of individuals (2 to 4 years) with one disability (severe or unable) by type of disability.
Percentage distribution of individuals with one disability by type of disability Age Range: 2 to 4 years
Individuals with Disabilities (Age 15+) by Work Status and Gender
The most prevalent work statuses among individuals with disabilities in 2023 were unable to work (27.6% of the total working-age individuals with disabilities), retired (19.6%), and free for housework (15.8%).
The graph shows the percentage distribution of individuals (15 years and over) with disabilities by work status.
Percentage distribution of individuals with disabilities by work status
Individuals with Disabilities (Age 2+) by Cause and Gender
In 2023, the main causes of disability in the population were due to illness (39.2%), congenital factors (26.9%) and aging (16.1%).
The graph shows the percentage distribution of individuals (two years and over) with disabilities by cause of disability.
Percentage distribution of individuals with disabilities by cause of disability
Individuals with Disabilities (Age 2+) Using Assistive Devices
In 2023, glasses were used as an assistive device by 63.4% of the disabled population, hearing by 10.3% and 26.3% of the disabled population used equipment or received assistance to walk.
On the other hand, the population with disabilities even with the use of glasses reached 52.1% of the total number of individuals with disabilities, the population affected even with hearing aid was 10.9% and 37.0% suffered from disabilities even using equipment or receiving help to walk.
The graph shows the percentage distribution of individuals with disabilities (two years and over) who use assistive devices by type of the assistive devices.
Percentage distribution of individuals with disabilities who use assistive devices by type of the assistive devices
Individuals with Disabilities (Age 2+) Needing Supporting Tools
In 2023, the most needed types of supporting tools for the disabled population were glasses (37.6%), manual / electric wheelchair (27.7%), and hearing aid (10.7%).
The graph shows the percentage distribution of individuals (two years and over) with disabilities who need supporting tool.
Percentage distribution of individuals with disabilities who need supporting tools
Types and Levels of Difficulty
Analyzing the types and levels of difficulty, a significant percentage of the total people with disabilities suffered from vision problems (mild), corresponding to 517,774 people.
The matrix chart shows the distribution of the all population with difficulties according to the type and level of difficulty.
People with difficulties according to type and level of difficulty Age Range: All ages
People with Difficulties and Disabilities
In 2023, the percentage of people with mild difficulties reached 2.8%. The age range of 80+ years concentrated the greatest number of people with mild difficulties (26.6% of the total population in that age range).
The graph shows the percentage distribution of the total population, differentiating those without mild difficulties and those with mild difficulties.
Distribution of people without mild difficulties and people with mild difficulties by age range
Disabled People
In 2023, the male population with disabilities was concentrated in the age range of 5 - 9 years, with 29,468 men, corresponding to 9.1% of the total male population affected. For its part, the female population with disabilities was concentrated in the age range of 80+ years, with a total 24,901 women, representing 9.4% of the total female population affected.
The graph corresponds to a population pyramid that shows the male and female population by age range affected with disabilities.
Population pyramid of people with disabilities